Soltice Sunrise by Alan Johnston

Understanding Anxiety in Men

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Course Code: C0018-OL

This online course is available to everyone, both men and women. It is open to those who want to gain a greater understanding of this issue for themselves, to support family and friends, or as part of their workplace professional development.

This course is a powerful five-week series of video presentations. Offered here in an online format, this course gives students a chance to deepen their understanding and awareness of their anxiety through the teachings of The Ageless Wisdom.

Whether it be anxiousness, raciness, nervousness or general feelings of overwhelm, most men in our day and age experience some degree of anxiety at some point in their lives, making anxiety one of the most prevalent mental health disorders experienced by men.

The course will explore:

  • What anxiety is and the many ways it can impact on a man’s life.
  • The part our daily choices play in our experiences of anxiety and how through developing awareness we’re better able to start to address our anxiety.
  • The physical factors that contribute towards our experiences of anxiety such as diet, exercise, hormone imbalances, neurotransmitters, methylation issues and pyrrole disorders.
  • The role that confidence plays in overcoming anxiety and how we can start to build our confidence from within.
  • Practical tools and techniques that can support us in connecting to our bodies so we’re able to deepen our awareness and start to build a life that is free from anxiety.

Course delivery

Presentations run for approximately 1.5- 2 hours and contain prerecorded lecture and discussion style formats that build across the five weeks. Drawing on men’s everyday experiences assures the presentations are practical, powerful and real.

It is important to pace the content. We recommend watching 1-2 videos per week. The course is very rich and this will give you time to integrate each presentation.

Open to everyone

Duration: 5 Video Presentations at approx. 1.5 hours each
Delivery Mode: Online
Cost: AUD $60

This course is presented and facilitated by:

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