Our Digital Wellbeing

Our Digital Wellbeing

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What is it and how do we develop a healthy relationship with it?

Cyber security is defined as the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks and data from malicious attacks. But what if we were to look at cyber security from a slightly more personal angle and approach it from the perspective of understanding how to care for our Digital Wellbeing? What if, just as we take care with our personal health to prevent our bodies being unnecessarily vulnerable to attack from outside bacteria, viruses and lifestyle diseases, we now widen that net to include developing a relationship with the wellbeing of our digital ‘bodies’?

The reality is that we live in a world where cyber attacks are ever-increasing and these attacks affect almost every corner of society on some level.  However, most of us do not know what to do when it comes to taking responsibility for the health of our own data and digital presence. Instead, we assume that our cyber world is safe and that it does not really need our attention. Many of us can find computers to be complex and cyber security to be another level of complexity beyond that, but what if we were able to put in place simple practical techniques to support the health of our digital ‘bodies’ – would we then take the time to discover how?

This course will be presented in a language easily understood by all and will empower participants with skills to understand what is going on with respect to security issues in the world at present and what we can do to be responsible for the health of our own digital  information. The course will cover in great depth issues that affect all users whether it be businesses, home users or large organisations, giving simple practical examples of what can be done to support you, your information and your presence in the digital world.

Course Delivery

This course will be delivered via webinar over six sessions beginning 14 May 2022. Each session is a live presentation with Q&A available throughout.  Please see details under each presentation listed below for specific dates and times worldwide. Recordings of each session will be made available shortly after the live webinar.

PLEASE NOTE: You will be notified by email once the presentation recording is live. Recordings are available for access and review indefinitely.


$180 for the course (prices are in Australian Dollars)

Session Details and Times

Select the topic below to expand and view session details and times.

Session 1: Introduction ~ Saturday, 14 May 2022

What exactly is ‘security’ in the context of our digital world? How does this affect us all and why is this important to understand? In this session we cover the basics, laying the foundations for participants to understand the scope of the digital world that is the internet where all issues with ‘security’ of our data arise from. We will cover real life examples of what is going on in the world and what can be done in response to it.

Presented by: Joshua Campbell and Dean Pirera

TimesSaturday 14 May 2022
Australia3pm–4:30pm (AEST, NSW/QLD)
London UK6am–7:30am (BST)
Europe7am–8:30am Europe (CET)
Hong Kong1pm–2:30pm (HKT)
USA / Canada10pm–11:30pm (PST) on Friday 13 May 2022
Session 2: Phishing ~ Saturday, 28 May 2022

We have all received spam emails, text messages or telephone calls at some point in our life. These messages feel incredibly hooking, untrustworthy, and disempowering. But did you know that they are one of the primary tools attackers use to compromise our digital security and obtain access to the information on our device or in our organisation’s network? We examine this topic in depth offering understanding and practical examples of what to look for to understand if a message is true and trustworthy or not.

Presented by: Joshua Campbell and Dean Pirera

TimesSaturday 28 May 2022
Australia3pm–4:30pm (AEST, NSW/QLD)
London UK6am–7:30am (BST)
Europe7am–8:30am Europe (CET)
Hong Kong1pm–2:30pm (HKT)
USA / Canada10pm–11:30pm (PST) on Friday 27 May 2022
Session 3: Malware ~ Saturday, 11 June 2022

We have likely heard of computer viruses or worms or other malware at some point. Perhaps we have even experienced an attack from such software and know the damage they can cause. Most know of antivirus software that can ‘protect’ against this but do we really know what exactly we are protecting against? In this session we elucidate on what malware exactly is, what can be done to prevent infection and why such malicious software even exists in our world.

Presented by: Joshua Campbell and Dean Pirera

TimesSaturday 11 June 2022
Australia3pm–4:30pm (AEST, NSW/QLD)
London UK6am–7:30am (BST)
Europe7am–8:30am Europe (CET)
Hong Kong1pm–2:30pm (HKT)
USA / Canada10pm–11:30pm (PST) on Friday 10 June 2022
Session 4: Website Security ~ Sunday, 19 June 2022

Websites are fast becoming the key requirements of living in our digitally-focussed world and form one of the key elements of the flow of information throughout the internet. It is no surprise that websites therefore are one of the most targeted elements of the digital world. In this session we cover the ways attackers attack websites, our responsibility as a website owner or user and simple ways to ensure the health of your website and data.

Presented by: Joshua Campbell and Dean Pirera

TimesSunday 19 June 2022
Australia3pm–4:30pm (AEST, NSW/QLD)
London UK6am–7:30am (BST)
Europe7am–8:30am Europe (CET)
Hong Kong1pm–2:30pm (HKT)
USA / Canada10pm–11:30pm (PST) on Friday 17 June 2022
Session 5: Business Security ~ Saturday, 9 July 2022

By far the biggest asset for any business is its data. Without it, no business can properly function. It is natural then that the data of a business represents the largest potential ‘reward’ for an attacker. Additionally, businesses also have numerous flows of people within them, the combination of which means the business can be potentially vulnerable in many areas. In this session we elucidate on caring for the digital health of business, offering insight on what can be done to ensure the information within a business remains held in the integrity it deserves.

Presented by: Joshua Campbell and Dean Pirera

TimesSaturday 9 July 2022
Australia3pm–4:30pm (AEST, NSW/QLD)
London UK6am–7:30am (BST)
Europe7am–8:30am Europe (CET)
Hong Kong1pm–2:30pm (HKT)
USA / Canada10pm–11:30pm (PST) on Friday 24 June 2022
Session 6: Personal Security ~ Sunday, 17 July 2022

For each person our digital landscape is defined by the data we hold on each of our devices. Such information is private and deserves to be held in respect of such integrity that it demands. How do we know whether our information is actually ‘safe’? In this session we explore practical ways to ensure the health of our information as well as ways to ensure our security health when browsing the internet.

Presented by: Joshua Campbell and Dean Pirera

TimesSunday 17 July 2022
Australia3pm–4:30pm (AEST, NSW/QLD)
London UK6am–7:30am (BST)
Europe7am–8:30am Europe (CET)
Hong Kong1pm–2:30pm (HKT)
USA / Canada10pm–11:30pm (PST) on Friday 2 July 2022
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